Embark on an unforgettable road trip to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in Korea, a unique and historically significant destination. The DMZ is a buffer zone that separates North and South Korea, offering a glimpse into the tense relations between the two countries. Start your road trip from Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and head towards the DMZ, which is located just a short distance away. As you drive, you'll pass through picturesque countryside and charming villages, immersing yourself in the beauty of the Korean landscape. Once you arrive at the DMZ, you can join a guided tour that takes you to various points of interest. Visit the Joint Security Area (JSA), where you can step into North Korean territory and witness the tense standoff between the two countries. Explore the Third Tunnel of Aggression, a secret tunnel dug by North Korea for potential invasion. Learn about the history and significance of the DMZ at the DMZ Museum, which provides a comprehensive overview o... Leer más