Embark on a magical winter journey to the enchanting Pindangan Ruins in the Philippines. Located in San Juan, La Union, this historical site offers a unique and picturesque experience for winter travelers. The ruins, which date back to the 16th century, were once a Spanish watchtower and have now become a popular tourist attraction. As you explore the ruins during the winter season, you'll be greeted by a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The cool breeze and mild temperatures make it the perfect time to wander through the ancient stone structures. The ruins are surrounded by lush greenery, creating a stunning contrast against the white snow-covered ground. During your visit, take a leisurely stroll along the pathways and admire the intricate details of the ruins. Learn about the rich history and cultural significance of Pindangan as you immerse yourself in the stories of the past. Capture breathtaking photos of the ruins against the backdrop of the winter landscape. After ex... Leer más