Coach Kim Jones IFBB Pro on Instagram: "There’s a lot of emphasis on external rotation in the training world. However, HIP internal rotation

Coach Kim Jones IFBB Pro on Instagram: "There’s a lot of emphasis on external rotation in the training world. However, HIP internal rotation

Coach Kim Jones IFBB Pro shared a post on Instagram: "There’s a lot of emphasis on external rotation in the training world. However, HIP internal rotation needs attention as well. This is one of my favorite #ZHealthperformance #hipmobility drills. It’s deceiving! Most have trouble NOT using compensation patterns (utilizing a hip hike, or moving the femur too much) to drive the motion. Strength of the Glutes on the bottom hip play a role in that. However, I find that a lot of my new clients have never accessed the pathways ⚡️needed to figure out how to execute these hip pendulums. Some of my more advanced clients can load these up with a light band as well (anchored to a rack or hook). I teach these in both the sagittal and transverse planes. Moving the hips independent of the trunk is a helpful skill to develop. As always…challenge range of motion, but don’t move into pain🙃 #mobilitytraining #hipopener #externalrotation #internalrotation #athleticperformance #c... Leer más